We do a lot over the month for children, young people and families. Please have a look at some of the activities below and contact the church office for more information.
Café Church
When: 4th Sunday of the month 3:30-4:30pm.
What happens: A very relaxed and informal style of church where we sit around tables. We specifically cater for families and those who struggle with Sunday mornings. Snacks, games, activities, stories from the Bible, craft, and songs. All welcome. |
Little Jemms (TOddlers)
When: 9:30-11:00 on Fridays during term time.
What happens: Toddler play at the church. We get out many toys and allow kids to play, and adults to chat. Each session ends off with nursery rhymes around the piano. Plenty of fruit, coffee, biscuits with a suggested donation of £2. |
More Than SistersWhen: roughly the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9pm in the church.
What happens: A group of mums (and carers) who meet to support each other. The sessions have informal titles of ‘More Puds’ and ‘More Craft’ and offer times to chat, reflect and be creative together. An awesome support group for carers and mums of varying ages. |
Baptisms and Thanksgivings
We love to be part of family life, so if you’d like to explore christening, baptism, or a service of thanksgiving, we’d love to talk with you.
Youth AlphA
Aged 11-17? The Alpha Course is a fun and friendly way to ask questions about faith. There will be plenty of pizza, snacks, videos and discussions over 10 sessions on Sunday late afternoons which explore questions such as “What does real life look like?” and questions young people are asking in a post-covid world. Contact us for more information.