This is an area of our church life that we are working hard at developing. Children are very welcome to our services and we want you and them to feel welcome, and children are very much part of our church.
The following services are particularly suitable for families with children of all ages:
1st Sunday of the Month 10.30am All age - "Our strapline for this service is anything can happen and it normally does!" This is a very interactive service with music led by a band.
3rd Sunday of the Month 3.30pm Cafe Church - An interactive time of informal worship with band led music, crafts, games and food.
2nd and 4th Sunday 10.30am - Our Treasure Chest Childrens group meets in the lounge during the main service and will come in to the Church for Holy Communion.
The following services are particularly suitable for families with children of all ages:
1st Sunday of the Month 10.30am All age - "Our strapline for this service is anything can happen and it normally does!" This is a very interactive service with music led by a band.
3rd Sunday of the Month 3.30pm Cafe Church - An interactive time of informal worship with band led music, crafts, games and food.
2nd and 4th Sunday 10.30am - Our Treasure Chest Childrens group meets in the lounge during the main service and will come in to the Church for Holy Communion.